Best Pest Control Small Frogs
African Dwarf Frog is one of the frog species I keep in a tank that is not so big because this frog Read more
The African Dwarf Frog is a type of tabby water frog native to Equatorial Africa that first became popular as a pet in the 1970s. This rarely silent frog species can live in tanks with temperatures of 75 to 82 °F with a pH of 6.5 to 7.5. This active frog cannot survive without water for more than 20 minutes with low humidity.
Common Name
Dwarf Clawed Frog, Zaire dwarf clawed frog, Congo dwarf clawed frog
Conservation Status
Extinct (EX)
Scientific name
African Dwarf Frog is one of the frog species I keep in a tank that is not so big because this frog Read more
Product Offers for African Dwarf Frog Care: Zoo Med Aquatic Frog & Tadpole Food, or find other offers here